Monday, October 3, 2011

Melissa's Hair Diary: I'm in LOVE!

Yesterday, I spent an inordinate amount of time releasing my hair from box braids. Like, 11 hours! WHEW! My arms are tired. My braids have been in for three months. I had alot of tangles, lots of shedding, and lots of worries. Worries? Yup, I was totally in love with my braids and so were lots of other people. It's very rare that I have low hair self-esteem, but this time, I don't know, I thought I wouldn't look as fly when I removed my braids.
However, my mood began to change as I released my hair from it's tangled knots. My hair grew, and it grew A LOT! And, the texture is changing. I'm still a 4b, but I have a lot more curls. As I sprayed leave-in conditioner in my hair I started seeing curls and waves and all types of cool lil surprises. My hair is strong and plentiful.

After the 11 hour ordeal, I jumped in the shower to wash, condition, and detangle. I found out something new, my hair is now at a length where it has to be washed in sections. WOW! I'm entering a new phase in this natural game and I love it. I deep conditioned with a new product and fell in love with that too! (reviews coming this week) 

After the 45 minute wash/condition/detangle session, I did a length check. When stretched, my bangs now reaches the tip of my nose, the nape hits the bottom of my neck, and my sides sit nicely over my ears. Pleased, is not an awesome enough word for how I felt. Then, I braided my hair, wrapped it for the night, and went to sleep. Woke up this morning and un-braided my hair:

OH-EM-GEEZ!! Don't you love it! I know I do!! It's so curly! Love, LOVE, LOVE! Needless to say, I'm feeling myself today! The products, the growth, the style, all great. It's nice to have a good hair day!

This was Feb 2011 - lots of growth!


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